
Thursday 20 December 2012

Fellows Court of St Amram and St Yocheved: Cill Naomh Fail Chuach /Abbey of the Holy Violet: ...

Fellows Court of St Amram and St Yocheved: Cill Naomh Fail Chuach /Abbey of the Holy Violet: ...:

Truth is the way, the only way to living justice, law and order and true happiness in Jesus Christ

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sigrid Agocsi <mothersuperiorohr@googlemail.com>
Date: 19 December 2012 23:53
Subject: {Abbey of the Holy Rose} Truth is the way, the only way to living justice, law and order and true happiness
To: abbeyoftheholyrose <abbeyoftheholyrose@googlegroups.com>, celtic-church-of-st-chad-cill-naomh-ceadda@googlegroups.com

Zither Heaven - Bowed psaltery and harp

Dayeinu - Song played on the zither
(Dayeinu=It would have been enough for us', the Passover Song)

Be thou my vision - played on dulcimer

In Christ alone - played on dulcimer

What child is this? - played on dulcimer

Be still my soul - played on dulcimer

Before the throne - played on dulcimer

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

Friday 8 June 2012

Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle: Birth Miracles to God's glory

Yocheved's Birth stories from around the world:
Thanks be to God for every miracle!

O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.


Every birth has also death as a potential, and it certainly reminds the mother-to-be suddenly at the latest on the onset of the contractions of her own mortality as an in-built instinct and a reminder of God that we must trust and listen to His voice to always in the right moment to make the right choice. These days, the active decision is often taken away from the mother in more or less subtle ways as soon as she enters a labour ward that is mainly run out of an overall-consideration for coordinating staff and resources smoothly at a cost-effective pace and to make the most efficient use of the available space.

It is a very life-changing process and for many mothers the very first time that she suddenly feels taken over by a sense of vulnerability that makes her surrender her life to God's power and protection, even and especially, if she has to choose from one instance to another between her own life and that of her child. Every pregnancy and every birth has life or death in its potential and as its outcome, and it makes us aware that, after all, life is not in our sole control and that we are indeed mortal. And for some souls it can be overwhelming at first after birth, even if everything went extremely well that we are now responsible for a new life in our arms that is totally dependant on us and no other person can take that responsibility up for us.

Parenting is God's way of teaching us selflessness and loving-kindness and also to take up responsibility with firmness and to raise our children as holy beings on earth, who abide by His law with a glad and pure heart.

These days, mothers are either often coaxed into 'functioning' in a world of either too much technology and interference of a whole host of medical intervention, or , if local resources are not available, they are left to very restricted help - midwives and friends, who are involved already in the pregnancy and post-natal are so precious to the whole process of making the right active choices that is best for mother and baby.

From the moment that we know we are 'in hope' (I like this mystery description, with which I was brought up as a child) we are also always anxious that something could go wrong at any time, or we have an overwhelming sense that all is just going to be fine. And we know in both instances, if we truly listen to God's voice, who always will guide us to make the right choice.

I always knew even before the babies entered my womb their soul, as God showed me all my babies in my dreams long before that, and let me even wake up with their smell and a sense of touch. And my children also had been 'informed' sometimes before me about their impending brother's or sister's conception, and drew even pictures of the baby.

Amram and me prayed with a contrite heart to God, for the safe conception and delivery of a child, in similar words as can be later found in Hannah's prayer, and He granted us Aaron, Miriam and Moses - now you probably know that our lives were not exactly easy but all of our three children we dedicated to God and offered them unto Him, and they all fulfilled their roles, for that He had chosen them, just like He had done with us : O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.

1 Samuel 1

King James Version (KJV)
Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite:
And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.
And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the Lord, were there.
And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions:
But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb.
And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb.
And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.
Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?
So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord.
10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.
11 And she vowed a vow, and said,  
O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.
12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth.
13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.
14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.
15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.
16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto.
17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.
18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.
19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her.
20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord.
21 And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, and his vow.

Prayer after the safe delivery of a child:

1 Samuel 2:1-10

King James Version (KJV)
And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.
There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.
Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength.
They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble.
The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.
The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and he hath set the world upon them.
He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.
10 The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.

Births can be straightforward or they can be a very long and trying process but one thing is for sure, we will do the right thing, if we listen to His voice in our hearts and thus trust our gut feeling, as God speaks also through our body, and not just in words. We only have to stay open-minded to His multi-layered ways and methods to communicate with us.

It is very important that a mother is being given this so very sacred time and spiritual space in the birth process and the respect and dignity to bring her child into this world in a holy spirit with all the witnesses around being part of also of this miracle. And upon the safe delivery we thank God for His gift of life and praise Him! (By the way, Amram and me have never missed the opportunity upon every possibility of conception at procreation to give thanks to God and to pray for peace in the world - just another way of shining in God's Infinite light's ray - the same that our souls later shone as Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala even in the awareness of His cross on our shared marital way.)

Saturday 12 May 2012

Yocheved defeats the beast posthumously with her holy family

Yocheved defeats the beast and any kind of symbolical and diabolical snake
simply by teaching even posthumously that breast is best and that only
in Jesus Christ's truth is to be found the right soul nourishing and pure
heavenly food that is available for free for all holy and repentant souls
in an eternal holy wedding feast,

as Amram's and Yocheved's family have willingly passed every single test
in every incarnation to unite the holy souls' one godly nation and simply
ask from everybody to God's honour and glory and laud and for mankind's
highest good to give their very best and only evermore feed and eat and
drink on earth Jesus Christ's free and wholesome food based on truth
and pure love and on justice and on the true holy family's creed that is
alive in His very own Holy Rose See.

THE Holy Rose, bud and blossom, is the Son of God begotten and as the Messiah
He was also known already back then and feared in every devil's den
and even every evil snake has never forgotten that one day all evil
would be exposed in God's way, when He would no longer
be willing anymore betrayal and high treason to take,
before His Highest Court and not just in a secret star chamber;
and that confess would have to all his
deals also the devil, so that all wrong would be put right in every
single shore from an unknown season, from which on nobody
can unpunishedly God and His law betray.

The mother's breast is also her husband's stream of milk
and honey soothing his soul, and Mary Magdala never ever
fed a child nor did she set foot on Ghoul but gave up for the poor
also as Elisabeth of Thuringia any luxury like gems and silk, and
was a most loving mother and faithful wife, who wanted nothing
more than to serve God obediently and in utmost humility
in every incarnation and to share with her eternal husband Adam since
she was also Eve her life.

Yocheved was mocked and her children always and again
betrayed and shocked by some ritual knife and their story
is still being twisted and wrongly listed and Amram's role
corrupted, although he already back then was walking
most humbly and quietly on his eternal Messiah footsole
and on His toes is still being stepped upon by a devil's hoof
in a most unholy spoof by the Roman and the Dover sole
but God takes now to task every secret society and rips
off every evildoer their unholy mask in order to save
from woe and from any kind of Elder turned foe His holy
souls and Jesus Christ's eternal family of His own with their
true friends, who are Adam and Eve's, Abraham and Sarah's,
Amram and Yocheved's and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala's
chosen family in all their incarnations,

and together the holy souls,
who feed with the truth as holy milk and love as honey the one holy nation
will make sure that pure and sure of a never-ending free and fair supply will be
every nourishment of the soul and the body and the mind and there will only
be on any lie and every spy and evildoer and traitor an eternal cut off without
weaning and only of punishment for every unrepented sin no shortage and ration,
when the purposeful sinners will be sent back to their own hell's grind, where
they will no comfort at all but only ever bruises from their highest ever ladder's fall
with no sympathy from their own find.

But where Jesus Christ is with His beloved holy family there will be
eternal peace and rest, as everybody in His community will have passed
their every ongoing test and always and again voluntary and selflessly
give their very best.

God bless you!

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 12th May MMXII

Thoughts over Moses' Basket

Holiness and purity in mind, soul and heart is a must for a spiritual midwife, who is chosen by God to assist in  bringing a new life into this world. After all, the soul we are welcoming into our world at birth has been known to God before it even entered the mother's womb, and it depends on our selflessness and loving-kindness and readiness to serve God in utmost obedience and humility along with practical skills in this process of manifestation. It is the most awe-inspiring gift of God to grant us to be entrusted with a humble role in His creation, and the children will cherish its welcome forever.

First words and gestures and warm and loving gestures of welcome are inscribed into the children's subconsciousness for the rest of their lives, and as we all are in one way or another part of a family or wider community we have a huge responsibility to nourish the holy souls in our neighbourly care and protect them from harm and hostility of any kind. Sometimes the mother is too weak or overwhelmed initially to look after her baby. That is, when true friendship in the neighourhood needs to selflessly and naturally help out, and even the smallest offers and acts of practical support and kindness can make a huge difference in the mother's recovery and in the baby's well-being.

The way a mother in hope and later, after the birth also her child, are being treated and respected in her neighbourhood and in her family  has a huge impact also for the whole community. The Elders should be there and nurture and treasure the next generations emerging and pass on their knowledge, expertise and personal experiences, and in turn the younger generation will look naturally also after the Elderly and help out, when they are in need.

In Yocheved's and Amram's era, their children were exposed to extremes for the sake of their souls and only their obedience to God let them survive all challenges and attacks on their family and their reputation. To this very day, lies are still being spread about them, and whosoever tries to live and lead by example the moral principles that are rooted in God's simple law of selflessness and true love in purity as an individual in sanctified celibacy or as a holy family and in any professional capacity is being subjected to mockery and even blasphemy and appalling acts of criminality that are all designed to destroy ultimately a holy human being's dignity and the nucleus of God's creation and of every holy nation - holy matrimony.

In biblical times as well as today the family based on one husband and wife was always under attack by secret and openly decadent societies, who promoted a life-style of Sodom and Gomorrha and who used on innocent souls their ritual knives. And children nowadays are even worse confronted with immorality and violence and greed and promiscuity as the norm, and are often being outcast and forced even by authority to lower standards of morals to conform - what kind of society are we, if we suggest to girls, who have not even reached teenagehood to secretly behind their parents' back the anti-baby pill?! Or, to have mass-immunisations for possible future infections through sexual transmission.

Should we not rather lead and live a life by example and not on God's commandments trample and prove that indeed with the right holy family's creed in place the world would have a rather more holy and pleasant and crime-free and kind and loving face with every race living in harmony and unity and in grace?! But for that we need to honour holy truth and speak live it and breathe it and live it in all aspects of our lives, and not hide behind excuses or even diplomatic immunity. Anything that we cannot justify before God, we must not do. Full stop. And if we are unsure, we simply can surrender our worries and questions to Jesus Christ, who will show the sincere and honest Truth Seeker all the right answers and lead him on His way, the ONLY way out of mankind's mess. As He does not play with our souls chess and if we truly repent and to God in His presence our sins confess, He will lead us home unto God with a clear conscience and free heart and holy soul.

And that is the home that we must prepare and nourish for our children and future generations. All else is delusion and death, as it is built on sandcastles that will come tumbling down in no time for those, who rather in drugs overdose or make their choice for a life in immorality and even crime.

It is not a question, of how luxurious a version of a Moses basket we can afford for our children but whether we and they will resurrect as free and holy souls even from a pauper's mass grave, who was not even granted a casket.

May God have mercy for His holy souls and save them now and separate them from all the evil ones, so that mankind can heal under His very own eternal seal.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 12th May MMXII

Friday 11 May 2012

Yocheved - God's Midwife

Yocheved devoted her whole life to God as did her husband Amram and her children Aaron, Miriam and Moses. What a wonderful example, how faith and true love survive even the most vicious attacks and assaults on the soul!

Yocheved stood up fearlessly to Pharaoh, when others stayed silent and accepted babies being murdered officially. In her time, as it should be also today, Yocheved and her fellow-midwives there for the mothers throughout the pregnancy and afterwards, as they were not only helpers of a little body coming into this world but also a true friend in God of the mother and the child.
All involved in the pregnancy and birth and post-natal time and sometimes throughout the rest of their lives midwives would see the children they once helped to deliver safely also grow up and possibly even help the next two generations, too.

All lived in the awareness that God had known the baby long before it entered its mother's womb and thus the soul would already be a part of their lives during the pregnancy rather than being treated like a non-entity.

A wonderful later example is the story of Mary visiting her cousin Elisabeth and Elisabeth's baby John (the Baptist) leaping in her womb as the two souls of the babies (the later John the Baptistand Jesus Christ) were already in communication with each other and with their mothers.

And even more powerful is the event of the birth, when put into the perspective of an eternal holy life for a soul, as we can see from the personal sacrifices that Amram and Yocheved made gladly (but still with a heavy heart obviously) for the sake of God's kingdom to protect as many children from the violent death of the 'evil snake'.

Already back then it was the war of the powers and principalities of evil against the ones of God, who had to allow them to choose their wrongdoing until such a time that the contract with the devil ran out.
Fortunately, we do not have to face quite the same decisions as Amram and Yocheved anymore, as that contract is no longer active and we are being taken up on our responsibilities for all our actions.
And we are safe from harm, as long as we follow God on Jesus Christ's path of truth and justice in the living word - Jesus Christ is THE way, THE truth and THE life. Holy children are born into this world with this simple faith and they will follow Jesus Christ's voice, if we allow them to make accordingly to their conscience the right choice and raise them most lovingly but also at times firmly as angels on earth, and that requires to be there for them unconditionally in our kitchen hearth and for example by feeding them as infants on demand rather than to force upon them some artificially imposed command that undermines the bond of trust and pure love between mother and child; and whilst the father must take up his responsibility of providing for his holy family with God's help in obedience to God and in humility but also with a healthy amount of natural pride for God's gifts that they share freely with their community, wherever they are, they also always do for their true friends care.

God's kingdom is thus manifest in an individual in blessed voluntary celibacy as well as in holy matrimony and a holy family is always also part of a whole holy community that simply leads by example and does never on God's law trample, and they might be poor but their spiritual gifts and lives are of soul's beauty and joy despite much pain ample.

God bless you!

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 11th May MMXII

Saturday 5 May 2012

Midwives are mentioned in the Old Testament: Exodus, Chapter 1. The Bible describes how the children of Israel (Hebrews) were enslaved in Egypt and they multiplied greatly. The Egyptians became fearful of the potential power of so many Hebrews. Pharaoh, therefore, commanded the Hebrew midwives (named Shiphrah and Puah) to kill all male babies delivered to the Hebrew women. The midwives, however, "feared God" and disobeyed Pharaoh by allowing the male babies to live. When Pharaoh asked the midwives why they had disobeyed his orders, the midwives told him the Hebrew women had easier labors than Egyptian women and delivered their babies before the midwife arrived. "And God dealt well with the midwives" (Exodus, Chap. 1, verse 20).

Saturday 10 March 2012

'Let the Holy Children come to me', says Jesus Christ

Yocheved's Midwifery Tweets, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Yocheved's Midwifery Tweets, 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God knows all holy children before they even enter their mother's womb. He makes sure that in preparation for their child of God a holy woman and man start long before conception to become even more pure in heart and soul, and prepares them already in their dreams for their new role as blessed mother and father.

God entrusts us with new life and He will take us up on our obligations and hold us responsible for the well-being of the soul He gives to us, or that He brings us in contact with in any capacity as a friend, family member or professional carer.

Making every single deed and act and thought a prayer with and without words to God's glory will make us evermore holy and that is also reflected in the words we are living. We must lead by example and thus live, what we teach, as we serve as role models for the next generations.

 Children of God crave to be at home with God at every stage in our lives. We crave to live in the paradise that He created for us, and that is there for us, where we can be simply ourselves, and we are living in it already on earth in our kitchen hearth, if we constantly commune with Him and act on, what He advises us to do, and are content with whatever He gives us in any moment of time.

If we listen to God and do not allow distraction and go against His voice, then we will have constant bliss even in hard times in our hearts and souls, as God will make sure we can deal with any situation, no matter, how trying. Our lives are in His hands, and He will do all that we need to let us grow beyond our horizons but we must trust Him as our children trust us.
If we do not trust God, then how can our children trust us?

To nourish a child continuously, first in the womb, then through the breast is the most wonderful gift of God to radiate His light as it is the living holy trust between the holy mother, the holy child and Him that makes this an event between heaven and earth, as it gives the mother the chance to give her all selflessly to her baby that God entrusted to her.

After having been nourished in the womb the newborn baby is being thrust right into a harsh world, often in the cold light of a labour ward. Sucking at their mother's breast a newborn boy or girl has an instant shelter to come to against all that worries them, and it is also a most holy living place for all the nourishment in body and soul that they need to be free of worrry and anxiety, when coming into this world and for a long time.

Breast is best - as long as it does not create in the mother or the child a beast. Breastfeeding is very tiring for the mother, and one has to bear that in mind, when a baby is especially in the first weeks and months utterly dependent on the mother's body, mind and soul's complete unity.

We must rest. We are fine, as long as  we listen to God's voice and take a rest, whenever the baby sleeps, too, whether we sleep or not in that time. Snoozing time is an invaluable time to pray and to connect with the others, who need us, too.

All that we do for holy children we do also in terms of eternity and for their children and future descendants. The more we nourish and respect them and raise them in God's discipline and love them in leading them by our own example the more they will care also for the world we leave to them with the outlook of having the responsibility also for the future of God's creation that He entrusted to us all.

If you think you do not have enough milk, try not to worry about it but surrender your anxiety to God.
And try f.ex. His little tip for increasing the milk: Get a pair of soft breast shells that are usually used for protecting sore nipples and to collect excess milk and wear them in your breastfeeding bra for as long as you can, as the pressure actually stimulates the production of milk, and should help you even with producing a bit of extra that you can then even freeze.

Sometimes there are circumstances, where a mother cannot feed her baby. Then it is all the more important to help her in whatever way we can, and to get the neighbours, family and friends involved, too, for as long as the mother is too sick to care for her baby.

Offer a smile, a kind word and a helping hand, when it is needed.

Breast is best but if a child cannot be fed in this way there is always help at hand, too, as what matters most is the holy love of the mother and father and of a peaceful and soul nourishing home and God provides, what is needed.

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 10th March MMXII

Friday 9 March 2012

Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle: Moments of Eternal Heavenly Bliss

Moments of Eternal Heavenly Bliss

Long before the conception
God sending in prayer
from heaven in a dream the first
visions of the child,
whose soul is already preparing with its body,
too, to join its mother in her womb

and they meet in the sacred room, where
the holy mother first met also her holy
bridegroom, and totally unexpectedly
God allows the parents-to-be
a glimpse of their baby in the cradle and invites
them to touch and feel even the heavenly
scented smell of innocence and purity
that makes their hearts flutter
like the most solemn and brightest church bell

and they are simply in awe of God's Infinite wise law
and promise the child to God as their first choice
and not as the last straw, and will raise it as an angel
on earth even from the most humble kitchen hearth
and they pray and sing to God's glory with their most
heartfelt inner voice accompanied by the tears that
liberate and say farewell to all ancient wounds and
scars and fears,

and no longer any other sounds aggravate the heart
and soul of the two that have become one in flesh
through God's grace and they smile as two-in-one
into His shining concealed face and are wrapped
into His Infinite soothing grace and peace.

That is the conception of the oldest prayer
that God has answered already to Adam and Eve
and Abraham and Sarah, Amram and Yocheved,
Boaz and Ruth and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
in some of their souls' incarnations, and they gave
their all to bring their children into this world holy
but not always did their family survive God's enemies'
murderous roly-poly.

But Judas kiss was being replaced nonetheless by heavenly
bliss as immortal are the souls that love peace and unity
and human dignity for all holy nations, and who serve God
in utmost obedience and in humility and help the needy
and low and poor and vulnerable, and despise all sin and
abhor injustice, and do hold the greedy accountable also for
their next of kin.

Moments of bliss are granted to holy souls,
who had it rough and who were treated ever so tough
by their own but in heaven the holy parents are dressed by God in the
midst of His true friends with the most precious from His
Infinite light woven gown, pure love's cloak, and even a
once heretical toad does suddenly at the reality of
the holy family like a frog behave and croak.

A moment of bliss is, when a holy husband does his
holy wife miss, when she is only in another room for
a moment and then comes out in a holy mother's bloom
with her hope having become flesh and their dream
of heaven a reality in the shape and size of their newborn
baby -

and no doctor or  nurse anymore dares the perfection of God's creation
as a delusion and obsession to dismiss, as so many times happened
also to Anne More, who now says to her beloved John Donne:
It is time for making it: DONE!

Anno Domini Iesu Christi 9th March MMXII
Mother Sigrid Eliora

Thursday 8 March 2012

 To God's Glory: With every holy child the world begins anew!

Before we entered our mother's womb God knew our name in heaven and our every hair already, and even the soul He might join us with later in life, if we lead a holy life to His liking, hopefully fulfilling the destiny He had in mind for us, when He created our souls long before our physical conception.

Yocheved means 'God's glory', and a midwife should always bear in mind that all she does is due to God and is made possible in the most miraculous ways through the invisible hands of God in the time, where we and especially the unborn child are entirely surrendering to this nucleus of the unknown - and where our faith and trust is most tested and tried and manifest!

Midwifery starts already long before the actual birth and should not stop afterwards either but is a way of life with the child and the mother and also the father in the centre of attention but also part of the wider community as a whole. We might find ourselves soon enough again in a more community aware scenario just like in the olden days, when often the neighbours had to help out at the birth before the midwife or in emergencies, the doctor, was coming, and who would assist the midwife as well.

We have been often largely cut off as a community from the two fundamental experiences in life within a community - birth and death. Sometimes children are being brought home from hospital or neighbours have passed away, entirely unnoticed by their neighbours. How sad is that?

In my childhood, I remember well all the weddings, funerals, baptisms, at which an ever growing number of neighbours, friends, family and strangers, who became friends and new families, gathered to share in each other's core events in their life.

And neighbours would help each other out without any further ado, with an unspoken natural agreement to be there for each other. I would like to see this happening also more, wherever we live and wherever we live is our home and we lend a helping hand, wherever it is needed.

Midwifery has become far too removed from what it once was, with the midwives almost being more nurses instead of companions, who prepare us for the birth, ease our worries and fears and anxieties with God's counsel, and who guide us mothers safely through the birth. And midwives are very often mothers themselves and can pass on their own experiences and share their memories from their own pregnancies.

In hospital I have experienced and seen many different scenarios - from a natural delivery to all sorts of tragic to joyful ones. Every birth lets the world for the parents and the baby start anew and for all, who actively anticipate the arrival of this new life.

It is so precious and so very special that God entrusted us with the gift of bringing a life into this world either as the mother or the midwife and by being there as a friend, who simply assists, nurtures with a kind word or thought, or holds and lends a hand. We could not do it without God's determination to see as many angels as possible being raised on this earth from every kitchen hearth, and it is not that long ago that most births happened in a humble kitchen hearth, and instead of a labour ward a woman would be in her bedroom or living room or even in the kitchen in her familiar environment to give birth to her child. Of course, in emergencies that can be also a complication but problems do also occur in the hospital that might have not happened at home, had the mother been in the care of an experienced midwife to herself.

It is not only the pregnancy and birth that are important but as the time after the birth is the phase, where the mother is most under pressure and realises that she has to get on with it all under a new and never before known maternal instinct that kicks in overwhelmingly as soon as the baby is born that she needs a calming and reassuring word and hands-on advice the most, as sometimes even simple solutions can seem out of reach with a crying and hungry newborn that demands immediate and constant attention.

Breastfeeding can be daunting to some mothers under all this pressure and it is especially important in the beginning that a midwife stays patient and calm and gives her all the support she needs with practical help with positioning, latching on etc.

Bottlefeeding also needs adjustment and requires an individual ritual and routine of feeding and creating calm and also the right positioning.

It is priceless to have an understanding soul at your side in this very beautiful but also very demanding time.

A midwife's cradle of needed experience is always needed and should be never closed for any reason. Midwifery should be free for all, and much more women, who are interested in 'just assisting' the midwife could be trained as volunteers and share the time before the birth during the pregnancy with the midwife and also could take over with a long-term care into toddlerhood, if it so develops, as many women breastfeed well beyond a year or several years and each phase has its own particulars.

It is also a wonderful way of bringing older and younger women closer again, too, as f.ex. in my childhood my mother and me would both help out in the neighbourhood with the looking after, feeding and bathing the babies of neighbours, some of whom suffered of postnatal depression. The expression was not born yet back then, but the neighbours would simply recognise that a mother needed a helping hand and so it was given naturally and withouf a fuss.

It takes a whole community to raise a child, and society would do much better on the whole, if we lived with this settled into our bones. God wanted us to look after each other and treat each other with respect and dignity and in sanctity, and what better way than to lend a kind smile and word to a new mother and father and to ask, whether they need anything we can help with.

In the early Celtic Catholic church and also later in other regions holy souls have always taken care of the poor and the needy and the sick, and healing was done by the true monks and nuns in the succession of Jesus Christ for free, as Christ commanded us to share freely all our spiritual gifts, as we also receive them freely. We also teach and heal for free and share all our work for free and encourage all, who want to follow Jesus Christ to do so, too, as that is His way. 

May God bless you all!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abbey of the Holy Rose

Welcome to Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle!

Yocheved was the wife of Amram and the mother of Aaron, Miriam and Moses. She was also a midwife in extremely difficult times, and managed to save Moses' life through Miriam's idea to let him be found with Yocheved as his midwife. In that way, she could at least still nurse and raise him, instead of her whole family being wiped out. She also helped many other families and stood up to the pharao.  - We cannot replace a personal midwife or friend with this blog and but I hope it gives glory to God for every holy soul brought safely into this world. May they be born into heaven on earth, as every birth is a miracle in itself, and bears the potential to raise a child in selfless love as an angel to God's glory that will be the living word of Jesus Christ, who shares with it already before its birth many a wonderful story! God bless you! Mother Sigrid Eliora