
Saturday 12 May 2012

Thoughts over Moses' Basket

Holiness and purity in mind, soul and heart is a must for a spiritual midwife, who is chosen by God to assist in  bringing a new life into this world. After all, the soul we are welcoming into our world at birth has been known to God before it even entered the mother's womb, and it depends on our selflessness and loving-kindness and readiness to serve God in utmost obedience and humility along with practical skills in this process of manifestation. It is the most awe-inspiring gift of God to grant us to be entrusted with a humble role in His creation, and the children will cherish its welcome forever.

First words and gestures and warm and loving gestures of welcome are inscribed into the children's subconsciousness for the rest of their lives, and as we all are in one way or another part of a family or wider community we have a huge responsibility to nourish the holy souls in our neighbourly care and protect them from harm and hostility of any kind. Sometimes the mother is too weak or overwhelmed initially to look after her baby. That is, when true friendship in the neighourhood needs to selflessly and naturally help out, and even the smallest offers and acts of practical support and kindness can make a huge difference in the mother's recovery and in the baby's well-being.

The way a mother in hope and later, after the birth also her child, are being treated and respected in her neighbourhood and in her family  has a huge impact also for the whole community. The Elders should be there and nurture and treasure the next generations emerging and pass on their knowledge, expertise and personal experiences, and in turn the younger generation will look naturally also after the Elderly and help out, when they are in need.

In Yocheved's and Amram's era, their children were exposed to extremes for the sake of their souls and only their obedience to God let them survive all challenges and attacks on their family and their reputation. To this very day, lies are still being spread about them, and whosoever tries to live and lead by example the moral principles that are rooted in God's simple law of selflessness and true love in purity as an individual in sanctified celibacy or as a holy family and in any professional capacity is being subjected to mockery and even blasphemy and appalling acts of criminality that are all designed to destroy ultimately a holy human being's dignity and the nucleus of God's creation and of every holy nation - holy matrimony.

In biblical times as well as today the family based on one husband and wife was always under attack by secret and openly decadent societies, who promoted a life-style of Sodom and Gomorrha and who used on innocent souls their ritual knives. And children nowadays are even worse confronted with immorality and violence and greed and promiscuity as the norm, and are often being outcast and forced even by authority to lower standards of morals to conform - what kind of society are we, if we suggest to girls, who have not even reached teenagehood to secretly behind their parents' back the anti-baby pill?! Or, to have mass-immunisations for possible future infections through sexual transmission.

Should we not rather lead and live a life by example and not on God's commandments trample and prove that indeed with the right holy family's creed in place the world would have a rather more holy and pleasant and crime-free and kind and loving face with every race living in harmony and unity and in grace?! But for that we need to honour holy truth and speak live it and breathe it and live it in all aspects of our lives, and not hide behind excuses or even diplomatic immunity. Anything that we cannot justify before God, we must not do. Full stop. And if we are unsure, we simply can surrender our worries and questions to Jesus Christ, who will show the sincere and honest Truth Seeker all the right answers and lead him on His way, the ONLY way out of mankind's mess. As He does not play with our souls chess and if we truly repent and to God in His presence our sins confess, He will lead us home unto God with a clear conscience and free heart and holy soul.

And that is the home that we must prepare and nourish for our children and future generations. All else is delusion and death, as it is built on sandcastles that will come tumbling down in no time for those, who rather in drugs overdose or make their choice for a life in immorality and even crime.

It is not a question, of how luxurious a version of a Moses basket we can afford for our children but whether we and they will resurrect as free and holy souls even from a pauper's mass grave, who was not even granted a casket.

May God have mercy for His holy souls and save them now and separate them from all the evil ones, so that mankind can heal under His very own eternal seal.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 12th May MMXII

1 comment:

  1. It takes a whole community to raise a child as an angel but for that the Elders have to lead and live by example and must not on truth and honour and God's commandments trample.


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