
Friday 11 May 2012

Yocheved - God's Midwife

Yocheved devoted her whole life to God as did her husband Amram and her children Aaron, Miriam and Moses. What a wonderful example, how faith and true love survive even the most vicious attacks and assaults on the soul!

Yocheved stood up fearlessly to Pharaoh, when others stayed silent and accepted babies being murdered officially. In her time, as it should be also today, Yocheved and her fellow-midwives there for the mothers throughout the pregnancy and afterwards, as they were not only helpers of a little body coming into this world but also a true friend in God of the mother and the child.
All involved in the pregnancy and birth and post-natal time and sometimes throughout the rest of their lives midwives would see the children they once helped to deliver safely also grow up and possibly even help the next two generations, too.

All lived in the awareness that God had known the baby long before it entered its mother's womb and thus the soul would already be a part of their lives during the pregnancy rather than being treated like a non-entity.

A wonderful later example is the story of Mary visiting her cousin Elisabeth and Elisabeth's baby John (the Baptist) leaping in her womb as the two souls of the babies (the later John the Baptistand Jesus Christ) were already in communication with each other and with their mothers.

And even more powerful is the event of the birth, when put into the perspective of an eternal holy life for a soul, as we can see from the personal sacrifices that Amram and Yocheved made gladly (but still with a heavy heart obviously) for the sake of God's kingdom to protect as many children from the violent death of the 'evil snake'.

Already back then it was the war of the powers and principalities of evil against the ones of God, who had to allow them to choose their wrongdoing until such a time that the contract with the devil ran out.
Fortunately, we do not have to face quite the same decisions as Amram and Yocheved anymore, as that contract is no longer active and we are being taken up on our responsibilities for all our actions.
And we are safe from harm, as long as we follow God on Jesus Christ's path of truth and justice in the living word - Jesus Christ is THE way, THE truth and THE life. Holy children are born into this world with this simple faith and they will follow Jesus Christ's voice, if we allow them to make accordingly to their conscience the right choice and raise them most lovingly but also at times firmly as angels on earth, and that requires to be there for them unconditionally in our kitchen hearth and for example by feeding them as infants on demand rather than to force upon them some artificially imposed command that undermines the bond of trust and pure love between mother and child; and whilst the father must take up his responsibility of providing for his holy family with God's help in obedience to God and in humility but also with a healthy amount of natural pride for God's gifts that they share freely with their community, wherever they are, they also always do for their true friends care.

God's kingdom is thus manifest in an individual in blessed voluntary celibacy as well as in holy matrimony and a holy family is always also part of a whole holy community that simply leads by example and does never on God's law trample, and they might be poor but their spiritual gifts and lives are of soul's beauty and joy despite much pain ample.

God bless you!

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 11th May MMXII

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