
Friday 9 March 2012

Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle: Moments of Eternal Heavenly Bliss

Moments of Eternal Heavenly Bliss

Long before the conception
God sending in prayer
from heaven in a dream the first
visions of the child,
whose soul is already preparing with its body,
too, to join its mother in her womb

and they meet in the sacred room, where
the holy mother first met also her holy
bridegroom, and totally unexpectedly
God allows the parents-to-be
a glimpse of their baby in the cradle and invites
them to touch and feel even the heavenly
scented smell of innocence and purity
that makes their hearts flutter
like the most solemn and brightest church bell

and they are simply in awe of God's Infinite wise law
and promise the child to God as their first choice
and not as the last straw, and will raise it as an angel
on earth even from the most humble kitchen hearth
and they pray and sing to God's glory with their most
heartfelt inner voice accompanied by the tears that
liberate and say farewell to all ancient wounds and
scars and fears,

and no longer any other sounds aggravate the heart
and soul of the two that have become one in flesh
through God's grace and they smile as two-in-one
into His shining concealed face and are wrapped
into His Infinite soothing grace and peace.

That is the conception of the oldest prayer
that God has answered already to Adam and Eve
and Abraham and Sarah, Amram and Yocheved,
Boaz and Ruth and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
in some of their souls' incarnations, and they gave
their all to bring their children into this world holy
but not always did their family survive God's enemies'
murderous roly-poly.

But Judas kiss was being replaced nonetheless by heavenly
bliss as immortal are the souls that love peace and unity
and human dignity for all holy nations, and who serve God
in utmost obedience and in humility and help the needy
and low and poor and vulnerable, and despise all sin and
abhor injustice, and do hold the greedy accountable also for
their next of kin.

Moments of bliss are granted to holy souls,
who had it rough and who were treated ever so tough
by their own but in heaven the holy parents are dressed by God in the
midst of His true friends with the most precious from His
Infinite light woven gown, pure love's cloak, and even a
once heretical toad does suddenly at the reality of
the holy family like a frog behave and croak.

A moment of bliss is, when a holy husband does his
holy wife miss, when she is only in another room for
a moment and then comes out in a holy mother's bloom
with her hope having become flesh and their dream
of heaven a reality in the shape and size of their newborn
baby -

and no doctor or  nurse anymore dares the perfection of God's creation
as a delusion and obsession to dismiss, as so many times happened
also to Anne More, who now says to her beloved John Donne:
It is time for making it: DONE!

Anno Domini Iesu Christi 9th March MMXII
Mother Sigrid Eliora


  1. I still cry, whilst I do back home to God fly, and I only evermore can think of my Seamous's and mine room and when he became before God my bridegroom, and when God showed us our baby, and I never cared for any heirloom but always all that I had with all our friends shared. In prayer all visions become reality, through the purity of hope, and with faith and trust in God we can with any of His challenges cope, as He only gives us as much as we can carry, and who says, life is easy with the man He chooses for a holy woman to marry, and he says sometimes the same, when she nags, and drags him to save pennies to the cheapest outlet and cash and carry.

  2. Go, and run from a doctor or nurse or even midwife, who do not believe in the miracle of God as the Giver of life, as they are also often quick to make a womb into a tomb with their ritual knife, as they do not like the idea of sharing their gifts for free and children to be born happily into Jesus Christ's holy see and are mostly evermore caring about their membership fee. What do you expect from a soul that is dead, as it refuses eternal life in the wine and the bread, and who puts more faith in operation theatre profit numbers and artificially induced and cruelly interrupted birth slumbers than trust in God?! I for my part rather have God and Jesus Christ my midwife in my house and let my spouse relax with a prayer and hymn at my side, as in God's room we do not have any tears or pain or fears to hide and He takes them all from us, and thus a baby won't so easily during the birth concuss, and it is a born into a most loving family that makes about it constantly a fuss.

  3. What greater gift of God is there than the nucleus of His creation that is a holy act of procreation before, at and a way of life in pure love and selflessness after conception and birth - from the cradle in heaven to earth and back home to God to be forever safely in His hands.
    God bless you!

  4. And the nucleus of God's creation is a holy family that raises a child in holiness as an angel on earth by obeying His commandments and by serving God and the flock of Jesus Christ in its community selflessly, when the time comes for it to be God's child and servant, as a holy child is only ever lent and entrusted to us for as long God needs us to until He takes over from us.


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