
Saturday 12 May 2012

Yocheved defeats the beast posthumously with her holy family

Yocheved defeats the beast and any kind of symbolical and diabolical snake
simply by teaching even posthumously that breast is best and that only
in Jesus Christ's truth is to be found the right soul nourishing and pure
heavenly food that is available for free for all holy and repentant souls
in an eternal holy wedding feast,

as Amram's and Yocheved's family have willingly passed every single test
in every incarnation to unite the holy souls' one godly nation and simply
ask from everybody to God's honour and glory and laud and for mankind's
highest good to give their very best and only evermore feed and eat and
drink on earth Jesus Christ's free and wholesome food based on truth
and pure love and on justice and on the true holy family's creed that is
alive in His very own Holy Rose See.

THE Holy Rose, bud and blossom, is the Son of God begotten and as the Messiah
He was also known already back then and feared in every devil's den
and even every evil snake has never forgotten that one day all evil
would be exposed in God's way, when He would no longer
be willing anymore betrayal and high treason to take,
before His Highest Court and not just in a secret star chamber;
and that confess would have to all his
deals also the devil, so that all wrong would be put right in every
single shore from an unknown season, from which on nobody
can unpunishedly God and His law betray.

The mother's breast is also her husband's stream of milk
and honey soothing his soul, and Mary Magdala never ever
fed a child nor did she set foot on Ghoul but gave up for the poor
also as Elisabeth of Thuringia any luxury like gems and silk, and
was a most loving mother and faithful wife, who wanted nothing
more than to serve God obediently and in utmost humility
in every incarnation and to share with her eternal husband Adam since
she was also Eve her life.

Yocheved was mocked and her children always and again
betrayed and shocked by some ritual knife and their story
is still being twisted and wrongly listed and Amram's role
corrupted, although he already back then was walking
most humbly and quietly on his eternal Messiah footsole
and on His toes is still being stepped upon by a devil's hoof
in a most unholy spoof by the Roman and the Dover sole
but God takes now to task every secret society and rips
off every evildoer their unholy mask in order to save
from woe and from any kind of Elder turned foe His holy
souls and Jesus Christ's eternal family of His own with their
true friends, who are Adam and Eve's, Abraham and Sarah's,
Amram and Yocheved's and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala's
chosen family in all their incarnations,

and together the holy souls,
who feed with the truth as holy milk and love as honey the one holy nation
will make sure that pure and sure of a never-ending free and fair supply will be
every nourishment of the soul and the body and the mind and there will only
be on any lie and every spy and evildoer and traitor an eternal cut off without
weaning and only of punishment for every unrepented sin no shortage and ration,
when the purposeful sinners will be sent back to their own hell's grind, where
they will no comfort at all but only ever bruises from their highest ever ladder's fall
with no sympathy from their own find.

But where Jesus Christ is with His beloved holy family there will be
eternal peace and rest, as everybody in His community will have passed
their every ongoing test and always and again voluntary and selflessly
give their very best.

God bless you!

Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 12th May MMXII

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