
Saturday 10 March 2012

'Let the Holy Children come to me', says Jesus Christ

Yocheved's Midwifery Tweets, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Yocheved's Midwifery Tweets, 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God knows all holy children before they even enter their mother's womb. He makes sure that in preparation for their child of God a holy woman and man start long before conception to become even more pure in heart and soul, and prepares them already in their dreams for their new role as blessed mother and father.

God entrusts us with new life and He will take us up on our obligations and hold us responsible for the well-being of the soul He gives to us, or that He brings us in contact with in any capacity as a friend, family member or professional carer.

Making every single deed and act and thought a prayer with and without words to God's glory will make us evermore holy and that is also reflected in the words we are living. We must lead by example and thus live, what we teach, as we serve as role models for the next generations.

 Children of God crave to be at home with God at every stage in our lives. We crave to live in the paradise that He created for us, and that is there for us, where we can be simply ourselves, and we are living in it already on earth in our kitchen hearth, if we constantly commune with Him and act on, what He advises us to do, and are content with whatever He gives us in any moment of time.

If we listen to God and do not allow distraction and go against His voice, then we will have constant bliss even in hard times in our hearts and souls, as God will make sure we can deal with any situation, no matter, how trying. Our lives are in His hands, and He will do all that we need to let us grow beyond our horizons but we must trust Him as our children trust us.
If we do not trust God, then how can our children trust us?

To nourish a child continuously, first in the womb, then through the breast is the most wonderful gift of God to radiate His light as it is the living holy trust between the holy mother, the holy child and Him that makes this an event between heaven and earth, as it gives the mother the chance to give her all selflessly to her baby that God entrusted to her.

After having been nourished in the womb the newborn baby is being thrust right into a harsh world, often in the cold light of a labour ward. Sucking at their mother's breast a newborn boy or girl has an instant shelter to come to against all that worries them, and it is also a most holy living place for all the nourishment in body and soul that they need to be free of worrry and anxiety, when coming into this world and for a long time.

Breast is best - as long as it does not create in the mother or the child a beast. Breastfeeding is very tiring for the mother, and one has to bear that in mind, when a baby is especially in the first weeks and months utterly dependent on the mother's body, mind and soul's complete unity.

We must rest. We are fine, as long as  we listen to God's voice and take a rest, whenever the baby sleeps, too, whether we sleep or not in that time. Snoozing time is an invaluable time to pray and to connect with the others, who need us, too.

All that we do for holy children we do also in terms of eternity and for their children and future descendants. The more we nourish and respect them and raise them in God's discipline and love them in leading them by our own example the more they will care also for the world we leave to them with the outlook of having the responsibility also for the future of God's creation that He entrusted to us all.

If you think you do not have enough milk, try not to worry about it but surrender your anxiety to God.
And try f.ex. His little tip for increasing the milk: Get a pair of soft breast shells that are usually used for protecting sore nipples and to collect excess milk and wear them in your breastfeeding bra for as long as you can, as the pressure actually stimulates the production of milk, and should help you even with producing a bit of extra that you can then even freeze.

Sometimes there are circumstances, where a mother cannot feed her baby. Then it is all the more important to help her in whatever way we can, and to get the neighbours, family and friends involved, too, for as long as the mother is too sick to care for her baby.

Offer a smile, a kind word and a helping hand, when it is needed.

Breast is best but if a child cannot be fed in this way there is always help at hand, too, as what matters most is the holy love of the mother and father and of a peaceful and soul nourishing home and God provides, what is needed.

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 10th March MMXII

Friday 9 March 2012

Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle: Moments of Eternal Heavenly Bliss

Moments of Eternal Heavenly Bliss

Long before the conception
God sending in prayer
from heaven in a dream the first
visions of the child,
whose soul is already preparing with its body,
too, to join its mother in her womb

and they meet in the sacred room, where
the holy mother first met also her holy
bridegroom, and totally unexpectedly
God allows the parents-to-be
a glimpse of their baby in the cradle and invites
them to touch and feel even the heavenly
scented smell of innocence and purity
that makes their hearts flutter
like the most solemn and brightest church bell

and they are simply in awe of God's Infinite wise law
and promise the child to God as their first choice
and not as the last straw, and will raise it as an angel
on earth even from the most humble kitchen hearth
and they pray and sing to God's glory with their most
heartfelt inner voice accompanied by the tears that
liberate and say farewell to all ancient wounds and
scars and fears,

and no longer any other sounds aggravate the heart
and soul of the two that have become one in flesh
through God's grace and they smile as two-in-one
into His shining concealed face and are wrapped
into His Infinite soothing grace and peace.

That is the conception of the oldest prayer
that God has answered already to Adam and Eve
and Abraham and Sarah, Amram and Yocheved,
Boaz and Ruth and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala
in some of their souls' incarnations, and they gave
their all to bring their children into this world holy
but not always did their family survive God's enemies'
murderous roly-poly.

But Judas kiss was being replaced nonetheless by heavenly
bliss as immortal are the souls that love peace and unity
and human dignity for all holy nations, and who serve God
in utmost obedience and in humility and help the needy
and low and poor and vulnerable, and despise all sin and
abhor injustice, and do hold the greedy accountable also for
their next of kin.

Moments of bliss are granted to holy souls,
who had it rough and who were treated ever so tough
by their own but in heaven the holy parents are dressed by God in the
midst of His true friends with the most precious from His
Infinite light woven gown, pure love's cloak, and even a
once heretical toad does suddenly at the reality of
the holy family like a frog behave and croak.

A moment of bliss is, when a holy husband does his
holy wife miss, when she is only in another room for
a moment and then comes out in a holy mother's bloom
with her hope having become flesh and their dream
of heaven a reality in the shape and size of their newborn
baby -

and no doctor or  nurse anymore dares the perfection of God's creation
as a delusion and obsession to dismiss, as so many times happened
also to Anne More, who now says to her beloved John Donne:
It is time for making it: DONE!

Anno Domini Iesu Christi 9th March MMXII
Mother Sigrid Eliora

Thursday 8 March 2012

 To God's Glory: With every holy child the world begins anew!

Before we entered our mother's womb God knew our name in heaven and our every hair already, and even the soul He might join us with later in life, if we lead a holy life to His liking, hopefully fulfilling the destiny He had in mind for us, when He created our souls long before our physical conception.

Yocheved means 'God's glory', and a midwife should always bear in mind that all she does is due to God and is made possible in the most miraculous ways through the invisible hands of God in the time, where we and especially the unborn child are entirely surrendering to this nucleus of the unknown - and where our faith and trust is most tested and tried and manifest!

Midwifery starts already long before the actual birth and should not stop afterwards either but is a way of life with the child and the mother and also the father in the centre of attention but also part of the wider community as a whole. We might find ourselves soon enough again in a more community aware scenario just like in the olden days, when often the neighbours had to help out at the birth before the midwife or in emergencies, the doctor, was coming, and who would assist the midwife as well.

We have been often largely cut off as a community from the two fundamental experiences in life within a community - birth and death. Sometimes children are being brought home from hospital or neighbours have passed away, entirely unnoticed by their neighbours. How sad is that?

In my childhood, I remember well all the weddings, funerals, baptisms, at which an ever growing number of neighbours, friends, family and strangers, who became friends and new families, gathered to share in each other's core events in their life.

And neighbours would help each other out without any further ado, with an unspoken natural agreement to be there for each other. I would like to see this happening also more, wherever we live and wherever we live is our home and we lend a helping hand, wherever it is needed.

Midwifery has become far too removed from what it once was, with the midwives almost being more nurses instead of companions, who prepare us for the birth, ease our worries and fears and anxieties with God's counsel, and who guide us mothers safely through the birth. And midwives are very often mothers themselves and can pass on their own experiences and share their memories from their own pregnancies.

In hospital I have experienced and seen many different scenarios - from a natural delivery to all sorts of tragic to joyful ones. Every birth lets the world for the parents and the baby start anew and for all, who actively anticipate the arrival of this new life.

It is so precious and so very special that God entrusted us with the gift of bringing a life into this world either as the mother or the midwife and by being there as a friend, who simply assists, nurtures with a kind word or thought, or holds and lends a hand. We could not do it without God's determination to see as many angels as possible being raised on this earth from every kitchen hearth, and it is not that long ago that most births happened in a humble kitchen hearth, and instead of a labour ward a woman would be in her bedroom or living room or even in the kitchen in her familiar environment to give birth to her child. Of course, in emergencies that can be also a complication but problems do also occur in the hospital that might have not happened at home, had the mother been in the care of an experienced midwife to herself.

It is not only the pregnancy and birth that are important but as the time after the birth is the phase, where the mother is most under pressure and realises that she has to get on with it all under a new and never before known maternal instinct that kicks in overwhelmingly as soon as the baby is born that she needs a calming and reassuring word and hands-on advice the most, as sometimes even simple solutions can seem out of reach with a crying and hungry newborn that demands immediate and constant attention.

Breastfeeding can be daunting to some mothers under all this pressure and it is especially important in the beginning that a midwife stays patient and calm and gives her all the support she needs with practical help with positioning, latching on etc.

Bottlefeeding also needs adjustment and requires an individual ritual and routine of feeding and creating calm and also the right positioning.

It is priceless to have an understanding soul at your side in this very beautiful but also very demanding time.

A midwife's cradle of needed experience is always needed and should be never closed for any reason. Midwifery should be free for all, and much more women, who are interested in 'just assisting' the midwife could be trained as volunteers and share the time before the birth during the pregnancy with the midwife and also could take over with a long-term care into toddlerhood, if it so develops, as many women breastfeed well beyond a year or several years and each phase has its own particulars.

It is also a wonderful way of bringing older and younger women closer again, too, as f.ex. in my childhood my mother and me would both help out in the neighbourhood with the looking after, feeding and bathing the babies of neighbours, some of whom suffered of postnatal depression. The expression was not born yet back then, but the neighbours would simply recognise that a mother needed a helping hand and so it was given naturally and withouf a fuss.

It takes a whole community to raise a child, and society would do much better on the whole, if we lived with this settled into our bones. God wanted us to look after each other and treat each other with respect and dignity and in sanctity, and what better way than to lend a kind smile and word to a new mother and father and to ask, whether they need anything we can help with.

In the early Celtic Catholic church and also later in other regions holy souls have always taken care of the poor and the needy and the sick, and healing was done by the true monks and nuns in the succession of Jesus Christ for free, as Christ commanded us to share freely all our spiritual gifts, as we also receive them freely. We also teach and heal for free and share all our work for free and encourage all, who want to follow Jesus Christ to do so, too, as that is His way. 

May God bless you all!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abbey of the Holy Rose

Welcome to Yocheved's Midwifery Cradle!

Yocheved was the wife of Amram and the mother of Aaron, Miriam and Moses. She was also a midwife in extremely difficult times, and managed to save Moses' life through Miriam's idea to let him be found with Yocheved as his midwife. In that way, she could at least still nurse and raise him, instead of her whole family being wiped out. She also helped many other families and stood up to the pharao.  - We cannot replace a personal midwife or friend with this blog and but I hope it gives glory to God for every holy soul brought safely into this world. May they be born into heaven on earth, as every birth is a miracle in itself, and bears the potential to raise a child in selfless love as an angel to God's glory that will be the living word of Jesus Christ, who shares with it already before its birth many a wonderful story! God bless you! Mother Sigrid Eliora