
Wednesday 1 October 2014

God says: 'Popes, ye have the longest time with your organised crime killed my holy souls and the truth's hopes, and none of them with your fake-piety and blasphemy anymore copes! I close down your shore, and put you from the witness box into the dock with your every babylonian whore under the eyes of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's flock! They have finished taking everywhere of your crimes against humanity stock, and I declare your sins retained, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God says: 'Popes, ye have the longest time with your organised crime killed my holy souls and the truth's hopes, and none of them with your fake-piety and blasphemy anymore copes! I close down your shore, and put you from the witness box into the dock with your every babylonian whore under the eyes of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's flock! They have finished taking everywhere of your crimes against humanity stock, and I declare your sins retained, 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora


God says: 'Popes, ye have the longest time with your organised crime killed my holy souls and the truth's hopes, and none of them with your fake-piety and blasphemy anymore copes! I close down your shore, and put you from the witness box into the dock with your every babylonian whore under the eyes of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's flock! My family has finished taking everywhere of your crimes against humanity stock, and I declare your sins retained, and condemn you simply for eternity with your every secret society and deadly pyramid hierarchy. You will feel a never known fear of my every tear in your bones, when I let come back at you all your stones, including the ones you wanted to throw physically and psychologically at Adam and Eve aka Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and their eternal family of holy souls!!!

 by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Else
26 minutes agoEditedPublic
And when God calls him into witness box, then he will only leave it to move into the dock and he will have to explain, why he gave order to have slain human beings and to kill the reputation and truth of Jesus Christ's flock, as numerous priests have also received for being faithful to the holy matrimony of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala murderous attacks on their lives, and did now finally free from the slavery of the Vatican blasphemy and mockery of 1Tim 3 the beans to the authorities or secretly spill with peaceful means and would like to know, whether his threats via certain cardinals have already been made hellish reality by spreading from Catholic elite institutions by the Vatican pawns also pox. After all, there comes the time, when the Vatican used once too often its aeon old black magic in combination with organised criminality and utmost evil and brutality plotted by the highest ranks and carried out to rock bottom of inner circle secret societies and outside and mercenary hierarchies!!! And the day has come, at least for some, who do not want to pay anymore to their secret family alimony but want to live finally and serve God and not the devil in a church rather with their own little family of holy souls and free of the Vatican fouls and simply apply God's law and the truth to their eternal community in holy matrimony, each with their one wife, free of a ritual knife, and the popes in the dock for having purposefully lead astray not just numerous a holy Mother and Father but also Jesus Christ's flock out of sheer lust for power and dominion and greed and envy and to expand their evil empire for the return of the devil - as God does no longer let them get away with going from His law and truth astray, and they will have to walk in chains, possibly after the Russian way, into their cell via Canossa, under all eyes, as once too often they did holy souls stalk and with fake-piety their threats utter or whisper, whilst they did ever so fake-humbly to a churchwarden talk, who suddenly has fear of God and no longer of her bishop's rod, who has a knife at the bottom and poison in his hyssop. After all, it is the popes, who a long time ago in bloodthirsty crusades mercilessly killed whole tribes mercilessly to spread the devil's vibes and to take from all holy souls and even from God all hopes that the truth would ever emerge but the time is finally up, and the popes have to drink their own heresy from their piratery with their own poison filled cup that they keep moving from monastery to monastery of secret fascist empire mercenary military traing for the most bloodthirsty candidate to be the new ringleader in every country backed up with the most expensive PR and legal machinery that can be bought or bullied into their blackhole organised criminality. Sins retained, Popes, also posthumously, all ye, who have from putting wring right refrained and holy souls even through Muslim and other faith mercenaries have slained and for having holy souls with your and your own secret families' fouls in reputation stained.

I am calling into the witness stand Josef Ratzinger and Jorge Mario Bergoglio to speak the truth and nothing but the truth in the fear of God, in lack of the love of God and the love to the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and their murdered infant twins Jacob and Zara-Zarai. And I call also as a witness in this context the two highest heads of the Anglican church, Her Majesty, the Defender of the Faith by title, and the Archbishop present and former, to answer in the presence of holy souls to God.

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Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena

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